2018년 10월 6일 토요일

Chin Surgery, Square Jaw Reduction! Don't Worry About The Swelling Of The Facial Contouring!

Chin Surgery, Square Jaw Reduction! Don't Worry About The Swelling Of The Facial Contouring!

The face type is a big part of forming a whole image of a person. Especially, the shape and line of the jaw will make the impression greatly differ.

Angled square jaws, long or blunt front chin that seem to be a strong and stubborn impression to the other people. You may worried about chin surgery or square jaw reduction.

We often call it V-line surgery to create a slender V-line face with chin surgery and square jaw reduction.

However, Regen Plastic Surgery in Gangnam, we are performing one-piece V-line surgery to improve the frontal chin and square jaw by osteotomizing at one time rather than performing the surgery to cut the chin and jaws separately.

One-Piece V-line surgery can give you an effect to look slim on the frontal side and no swelling of the facial contouring without chin surgery!

It is also a different surgical procedure than a normal long curved square jaw reduction.

Since the conventional square jaw reduction excises only the lower part of the ear and has no effect to look slim on the frontal side, many of long curved square jaw reduction are performed nowadays to improve this point.

Long curved square jaw reduction is a long curvilinear operation from the corner of the ear to the upper jaw at a time.

However, One-Piece V-line surgery in Regen Gangnam is a surgical procedure that simultaneously treats thick bones from the undergrowth to the upper jaw at the same time and simultaneously cures the cortical bone, which is the thick and wide part of the jaw.

It is a high-tech operation that removes the cortical bone and the mandibular angle at the same time. Because of the small operation time, it is safe from the bleeding and the dangerous factors and the swelling of the facial contouring is also less!

Without chin surgery and cortical resection, it can give an effect to look slim on the frontal side well.

V-line surgery of Regem Gangnam which gives admiration!

Chin surgery and square jaw reduction. Do not separate. Regen's One-piece V-line surgery at a time with less swelling of the facial contouring!

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Email enquiry: regeninfoglobal@gmail.com
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766, +82-10-3036-8799


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