2017년 4월 28일 금요일

V-line, zygoma reduction, and acculift laser before after in Regen Plastic Surgery

Before after photo in Regen Plastic Surgery Korea
- V-line surgery
- Zygoma reduction
- Acculift laser

Front photo 

45 degree photo 

Side photo

If you want to consult about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now.
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766

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Perfect v-line picture in the rape blossoms!!

Take picture in any way and every angle, her v-line is perfect! 
Regen V-line surgery which is perfect :D

If you want to consult about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now.
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766

If you want to know more about the procedure, visit:

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2017년 4월 27일 목요일

If you want to get a beautiful breast with a size that suits you, choose Dr Kim Woo Jung in Regen!

★Natural D-cup size, I can make!★
Bigger party, doctor number 2, Kim Woo Jung

If you want to consult about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now.
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr

Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766

If you want to know more about the procedure, visit:

#2017_yourchoice #election #presidentialelection_inkorea #presidentialelectionposter #breastagumentation #breastsurgery #parody #squarejaw #plasticsurgeryinkorea #breastsurgeryhospital #naturalbreastsurgery #makeover_inkorea

2017년 4월 26일 수요일

For removing panda eyes or dark circles, Regen transconjunctival fat reposition

If you have dark circles under the eyes because of eye bags?
Regen transconjunctival fat reposition! :D

If you want to consult about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now.
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766

If you want to know more about the procedure, visit:

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2017년 4월 25일 화요일

If you don't like your square jaw line, just contact to Regen Plastic Surgery Korea

V-line quick delivery for you! :)

If you want to consult about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now.
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766

If you want to know more about the procedure, visit:

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Plastic surgery real review in Regen: Tear drop breast surgery review

Tear drop breast surgery in Regen Plastic Surgery Korea.
Volume up! confidence also up up!

Check out my changes before breast surgery and for 6 month after surgery in Regen Plastic Surgery Korea now! :)

Every summer, I get more stress because of my small breast. I have never been to water park even though my friends asked me to go with them. So I decided to get a breast surgery this time to restore my confidence. Actually, there are lots of clinics which is famous for the breast surgery but it was difficult to choose one. Regen was recommended because it provides systematic after surgery systems and doctor's follow up. So I went for a consultation. Doctor said it will be a natural result considering the ratio of the body. When I imagined the result, I started getting excited.

I was hospitalized for 1 day for after care. Regen staffs took care of me really well and they kept checking on me. It was so comfortable. After surgery, I had to wear a Hemovac to prevent from capsular contracture. My recovery was kind of fast and the puling feeling of my armpits was very little. So I had almost no problem to continue a normal life. My surgery went really well and I will manage it so that I can have beautiful breast.

It is been 1 month after the surgery. I get a after care treatment with High frequency wave machine which made my breast tissue soft and release the puling pain of my armpits. I am taking a medicine every day to prevent from capsular contracture. Doctor who did the surgery checks on me whenever I go to the hospital and I am following the after care instruction hospital gave me so my breast is healing very well and texture is also getting better and better. I am satisfied. I was worried about the scar on my armpits but it is getting lighter and I am going to apply scar ointment. It will look like a wrinkle so I don't think it will be a problem.

Today I wore a dress that exposes my cleavage for meeting. I had a great reaction from people. In the past, I was busy with hiding my breast between voluptuous friends. But now my shoulder is opened wide and waist is straight. My friends told me you god a really natural result and it was a great choice and one piece-fit is really different so they envy me. And I was proud of myself because I took really good care of myself after the surgery.

It is been 6 months after the surgery. My breast size has been increased from A to C. Whenever I buy a bra, I feel different. It's said 6 month~1 year after the surgery, the texture is getting soft and it was true. My breast shape and texture is like real and the size perfectly suits with my body shape. I can find a joy in small things after the surgery. I am really happy.

I am full of confidence even with thin sleeveless shirt because I had to add thick pad in my bra even in hot summer. And especially the side line of tear drop breast is amazing. It has volume as well as line, every thing is perfect. I wish I had visited Regen earlier so that I wouldn't get a tress because of my breast. If there is someone like me having a problem of their breast, don't hesitate. Just go to see doctor to get a consultation at least!

If you want to consult about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now.
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766

If you want to know more about the procedure, visit:

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Regen before after photo: two jaw surgery, one peace v-line, eye surgery, rhinoplasty

Regen Plastic Surgery Korea, before after photo that is amazing lol
She had two jaw surgery, one peace v-line, eye surgery, and rhinoplasty in Regen.
Before surgery, her problem was big and long face, and now she seems incredibly beautiful :D

 Frond photo

45 degree photo

Side photo

If you want to consult about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now.
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766

If you want to know more about the procedure, visit:

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Beautiful side line, natural looks, ideal angle for your nose in Regen Plastic Surgery Korea

Considering the total ratio of your face!
It is Regen's specialty which makes your low and around nose sharp and prominent :)
Regen makes the best nasolabial angle from 90º~100º because it becomes a longer nose like arrow if the nasolabial angle is too low and the short nose that looks like turn-up nose if its angle is too high.

If you want to consult about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now.
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766

If you want to know more about the procedure, visit:

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2017년 4월 24일 월요일

Plastic surgery review at Regen hospital in Korea: Eye, Rhino, two jaw, v-line, zygoma, fatgraft, and chin implant

Plastic surgery review from the choice of Let Me In, Kim Hyo Jung :)
The story of plastic surgery that reborn just like a beautiful doll in Regen Plasctic Surgery Korea.

Hello. I am Kim Hyo Jung who has appeared in Let Me In program. Now I often hear that I am beautiful even though I never heard before plastic surgery in Regen. I also like to take pictures now but I was a person who does not like to take picture before surgery. I am really happy now :)

When I was a little, my appearance was not so much a problem in my life, but my jaw became more and more inside since high school. My jaw became so short as I could not find at all. At that time, my family had a financial difficulty so that I could not go to hospital, and I became so insecure with my appearance.

I could not hang our with friends because there was no confidence at all, and then I was very hard to find work even though my age has become a working age. Finally I started to work at night in the factory to hide my appearance. 

I often watched TV at home because I rarely got out of the house at that time, and I saw the Let Me In show. Because I always wanted to change my appearance, I tried to apply Let Me In and Regen Plastic Surgery wanted to help me! I was very excited and worried too because I had to appear on TV. However, I had to take my courage to change my appearance and my life.

Finally, I've consulted with Regen and did the short chin surgery. I have had two jaw surgery, v-line chin, zygoma surgery, and chin implant for changing my jaw. In addition, I also did eye surgery, rhinoplasty, fatgraft to make the more natural and balanced face.

Because quite many surgery I had, my surgery started from the morning and was expected time to be six hours, but it actually took more time because I included difficult case of surgery.
When I woke up from anesthesia, I felt sick and dizzy but I was happy when I thought about my new appearance.

Nurse said that my recovery was faster than other patients. Facial swelling also not so severe, so my face to look beautiful from 1 month of post operation.

If I compare before and after plastic surgery, I feel still shocked about my new appearance. I am very happy and my life has changed positively after surgery. My work has also changed and the health of my parent has been better than before. It's maybe because they do not worry anymore about my problem. I take a positive view of my life now, and my attitude becomes more active and affirmative. 
I am very grateful to Regen Plastic Surgery Korea that gave me the new life. I used to think that I was an unlucky person, but now I know that I am a lucky girl. Thank you! I wish everyone is happy!!!

If you want to consult about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now.
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766

If you want to know more about the procedure, visit:

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Before and after photo asymmetric facial surgery in Regen Plastic Surgery Korea

Asymmetric facial surgery in Regen Plastic Surgery Korea
- Two jaw surgery
- Zygoma reduction
- V-line surgery
- Eye surgery
- Rhinoplasty
- Fatgraft
+ Breast reduction

Front photo

 45 degree photo

Side photo 

Asymmetrical face and mouth becomes balanced and beautiful in Regen Plastic Surgery Korea!

If you want to consult about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now.
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766

If you want to know more about the procedure, visit:

#asymmetrical_face_surgery #impalacedfacial_surgery #asymmetircalmouth #twojawsurgery #zygomasurgery #vlinechinsurgery #eyesurgery #doubleeyelidsurgery #blepharoplatsy #rhinoplastyinkorea #nosesurgery #facialfatgraft #fatgraftinkorea #beforeafterphoto_plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeryreview

2017년 4월 21일 금요일

Eliminate the square jaw line in Regen Plastic Surgery Korea!

★I will make v-line but eliminate the square jaw!★
V-line party, doctor number 1 Oh Myung June

If you want to consult about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now.
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766

If you want to know more about the procedure, visit:

#2017_yourchoice #election #presidentialelection_inkorea #presidentialelectionposter #vlinejaw #parody #squarejaw #plasticsurgeryinkorea #facialcontouring #naturaljawsurgery #makeover_inkorea

Real selfie of zygoma reduction in Regen :)

Real selfie after surgery in Regen Plastic Surgery Korea.
Zygoma reduction gives her small face and v-line!!

If you want to consult about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now.
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766

If you want to know more about the procedure, visit:

#realselfie_plasticsurgery #postop_plasticsurgery #koreanplaticsurgery_review #zygomareduction #smallface #makeoverinkorea #medicaltourismtokorea #facialcontouring_review #plasticsurgery_price #vlinesurgery #chinimplant #twojawsurgery #faciallifting #beatyinkorea

Breast augmentation in Regen Plastic Surgery Korea

Natural and dramatic result,
Volume your breast up in Regen Plastic Surgery Korea♡

If you want to consult about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now.
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766

If you want to know more about the procedure, visit:
Web site: http://en.regenglobal.net/nfront/Default.asp
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/regen_plastic_surgery/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/regenglobal
Blogspot: http://regenplasticsurgery.blogspot.kr/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBxP-T2zcu3w2F0sxAcCxkw

#hot_body #breastaugmentation #augmentationmammoplasty #glamor_body #bagle #platsicsurgery_inkorea #motivaimplant #teardropimplant

No doctor switch hospital in Korea, Regen Plastic Surgery in Korea :D

No worries about doctor switch in Regen Plastic Surgery!
Regen's doctor always do safe and crystal clear surgery :)

If you want to consult about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now.
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766

If you want to know more about the procedure, visit:

#plasticsurgeryinkorea #bestkoreanplasticsurgery #safeplasticsurgeryinkorea #medicaltourisminkorea #gangnamplasticsurgery #nodoctorswitch #goodplasticsurgeryresult #honestplasticsurgeoninkorea #twojawsurgery #facialcontouring #mammoplasty #breastaugmentation #eyesurgery #doubleeyelid #rhinoplasty #antiaging #smaslift #bodyobesity #petitplasty #fatgraft #facelift #introductionplasticsurgeryhospital

2017년 4월 20일 목요일

before and after selfie for plastic surgery in korea


Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +82 70 4882 5421 / +82 70 4882 5411
Kakao ID : RegenGlobal
Line ID : regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global...
WhatsApp: +82 10-4345-8766

before and after for plastic surgery in korea

Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +82 70 4882 5421 / +82 70 4882 5411
Kakao ID : RegenGlobal
Line ID : regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global...
WhatsApp: +82 10-4345-8766