2016년 12월 21일 수요일

Real review from customer , Cheekbone reduction, v-line surgery in Korean Plastic Surgery

Towards Elegance

Surgery date : 29th Feb 2016
Type of surgery : Zygoma reduction, V-line, Nose 

Consultation before surgery

I wanted to get my nose and facial contouring done as it is quite uneven and bulbous so I decided to get a consultation! I was very nervous because it was my first time getting an in depth consultation and medical examination. The beauty consultant and doctor was very nice, they explained in detail and I was confident as Regen is equipped with all the safety equipment and system! I'm hoping that I can overcome my concerns!

1 month after surgery

I felt dizzy and had difficulty breathing right after the surgery, I guess it was because of the anesthesia and swollen nose. Also I couldn't open my mouth a lot that I couldn't eat well so, it was quite challenging for 3 days. It was all about discomfort that I had to overcome with not pain. 5 days after the surgery I felt good, maybe I got used to it. Although minor swellings were still left after a month, I could feel that my face has become a lot small.

2 months after surgery

I emphasized that I want natural result and told them thousands of times. All the worries were forgotten, I'm so satisfied of the result. The most important thing was that I didn't want a sharp edged chin but a natural slim chin. The nose is also very natural and high! I don't think anybody will notice that I had gone through such an operation.

3 months after surgery

I used to use a photoshop when I take selfie, but not I don't need to do such a thing. Also I don't have to do a make-up that makes my nose look higher. I can not get any happier than this, I'm so glad.


At first, with a lot of swelling on my face, I thought if really needed this but, it all went away after 1 week and now I'm totally satisfied and think it was the best decision.

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