2019년 1월 19일 토요일

What Is Two Jaw Surgery Method To Reduce Pain And Prevent Side Effects?

What Is Two Jaw Surgery Method 
To Reduce Pain And Prevent Side Effects?

Two Jaw surgery to correct the shape by moving the position of the jaw to solve functional problems of the jaw or teeth.
It is known to treat malocclusion and improve the ability to chew, speak or breathe. At the same time, there are many people looking for Two Jaw surgery for dramatic changes in appearance and improvement of various aspects.
There are many people who ask about the pain and the side effects of Two Jaw surgery due to the big surgery which is made by general anesthesia.

After doing Two Jaw surgery to move the jaws, the repositioned jaw is fixed and wire or strong rubber band is used to prevent the side effects of two jaw surgery. This is called complete fixation.
Patients can expect a stable result by fixing the intermaxillary muscle for about a month, but it is difficult to move the jaw, and it causes the pain of the two jaw surgery such as difficulty in eating, conversation, and securing breathing.
As an alternative to complete fixation, a non-fixed Two Jaw surgery that does not tie the intermaxillary muscle sometimes performed, but there is a possibility of recurrence so that it is unstable.

So, in Regen Plastic Surgery Gangnam, we proceed to a Self-Tie that can tie itself to reduce pain and prevent side effects.
Swelling will only occur after two jaw surgery
If swelling is severe, it may cause side effects such as blocking of breathing and obstruct airway. 
Self-tie Two jaw surgery by Regen Plastic Surgery can prevent above side effects because it allows natural movement of the jaw and less swelling.

Normally, it is a special band for dentistry, so it fixes the intermaxillary muscle by themselves for stable occlusion.
When eating, the band is loosened to reduce the pain of two jaw surgery due to difficulty breathing.
It is possible to shorten the orthodontic treatment duration for starting the tooth correction at the time when the tooth moves too much.
 start the correction at the time when the tooth moves too much,
Regen's Self-Tie encompasses all the advantages of non-fixed and completely fixed!

Recuperation is also important in Two Jaw surgery.
Two Jaw surgery method to reduce the pain and prevent side effects in Regen Plastic Surgery Gangnam!
Self-Tie Two Jaw surgery, please get a free consultation now.

Email enquiry: regeninfoglobal@gmail.com
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766, +82-10-3036-8799

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