Amazing Before And After Two Jaw Surgery! What Is The Method Of Two Jaw At REGEN GANGNAM?
Two Jaw surgery is a method of correcting dental facial deformations by simultaneously operating upper and lower jaws.
The goal of two jaw surgery is to improve the quality of life through improvements such as occlusion and airway.
It is not a surgical operation that is performed only for cosmetic purposes. It is a surgical operation that restores the normal range of abnormalities of the facial bone and the position of the jaw.
Because Two Jaw surgery is a procedure that should be considered both aesthetic and functional aspects simultaneously, it is necessary to perform surgery through precise examination, diagnosis and planning in a good place for Two Jaw surgery.
After surgery, the muscles and flesh of the facial muscles change according to the position and shape of the bones, changing the impression before and after surgery.
Although the impression caused by the existing facial anomaly is changed to a normal impression, there are many people who are worried before surgery because there are many cases of deformation such as toothless person after Two Jaw surgery.
The best place for Two Jaw surgery in Gangnam, Regen Plastic Surgery performs by using the right method of Two Jaw surgery which can make natural shape of the mouth rather than toothless mouth.
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