How To Avoid The Facial Sagging After Cheekbone Surgery?
Cheekbone Surgery (Zygoma Reduction) is a procedure that removes prominent cheekbones and makes the face sleek and smooth.
This is a operation that is sought people because it has the benefit of making wild impression more smoothly, but many of those who think about cheekbone reduction are often worried about the facial sagging after surgery.
What is the facial sagging and why is everyone concerned with it?
When the bone is excised during surgery, the facial support ligaments that connect the facial bone with the damaged skin. In this case, the skin layer attached to the bone is separated and dropped down by gravity. And the resulting phenomenon is the facial sagging.
If there is a facial sagging, facial skin will appear slack and drooping.
To prevent the emergence of symptoms of sagging skin, the point is minimize damage to the facial ligaments!
After cutting the front and the outside of the cheekbone, push it inside and close the prominent cheekbones. The operation that moves the cheekbone to the optimum position by assuming the most prominent position of the osteotomy line, the side cheekbones are not prominent when viewed from the front, and the front cheekbones reduce the balance with the side cheekbones to provide a moderate volume. A well-balanced volume is made to complete a sophisticated facial line while still looking young.
Regen Plastic Surgery Korea not only cut bones, but also reduces the cheekbones while preserving the facial ligaments.
In Regen, using bone-cutting methods to prevent sagging skin. Once the main body and arch of the cheekbones are cut, the bone is rotated in the empty space (upper maxillary sinus) that is in the cheekbone. At this time, it not only reduces the cheekbones, but the front of the cheekbone does not exfoliate and relocates the cheekbone after pushing in. In addition, since the amount of bone resection is minimized, the fixation is very strong. Because of these methods, the symptoms of facial sagging is almost nonexistent.
Especially in Regen, we do not do Quick Zygoma Surgery! Quick Zygoma Surgery is very simple and easy but ineffective operation for some people. A good case in Qucik Zygoma is just a case of a narrow head and a 45-degree cheekbone developing. However, it is usually difficult to find that case, so you should consult appropriately for cheekbone surgery and get a dramatic result.
If you would like to consult about cheekbone reduction by minimizing facial sagging, please visit and consult detail :)
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