If You Know The Types Of Breast Implants, You Can Do Breast Augmentation That Is Good Touch And Shape!
If you are a woman, you would have tried to think about breast surgery once. Nowadays, many people are preparing to do breast surgery, and Regen Plastic Surgery Gangnam has also received a lot of inquiries about breast surgery these days.
Many people especially inquire about the types of breast implants that have a natural feel of breast shaping.
If so, what are the types of breast implants that are natural shape and good touch?
When you think of a natural shape, maybe you think of the teardrop shape breast implant first.
If so, what is the first thing that comes up with a natural and good touch?
Among the types of breast implants that are currently used for breast augmentation surgery, there are Microtexture type implants that are known for their tactile touch.
Microtexture implants also have various features depending on the manufacturer.
1. Sebbin Microtexture is the closest implant to the types of breast implants commonly referred to as "Matech" in Korea, which has soft and smooth breast tactile sensation and block the encapsulation to prevent capsular contracture.
2. Euro Silicone Microtexture has high cohesive medical silicone gel, which improves tissue cohesion and reduces the possibility of capsular contracture.
3. Motiva Ergonomix is also a microtexture type of breast implants. Excellent viscoelasticity has the advantage of realizing breast tactile feeling like actual breast.
4. Bellagel microtexture, which has become popular recently, is a micro-surface of advanced texturing technique, and its high elasticity makes it possible to realize elastic and natural breast tactile feel.
The way to safely operate with a kind of breast implants that are pleasing to the breast shaping touch!
Why is Regen Plastic Surgery Gangnam?
Regen Plastic Surgery Gangnam is a hospital with a few possibility of capsular contracture. It has a breast surgery center for breast augmentation surgery in a clean environment. In addition, Regen's medical team strive for high-quality breast surgery by wearing a blood pocket after surgery to prevent bleeding and ensure safety first.
The secret of beautiful body without revealing!
Before it's too late, choose the type of breast implant that is right for you at Regen Plastic Surgery Gangnam to get a satisfactory breast augmentation surgery!
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