2018년 6월 23일 토요일

Regen 360º Body Contouring To Go Back To The Slim And Smooth Body Line!

Regen 360º Body Contouring To Go Back To The Slim And Smooth Body Line!

As you get older, your face may get droopy, but the flesh of you body like abdomen, thighs, and arms starts getting worse.
However, when the abdomen loses its skin elasticity due to wrong liposuction, excessive diet, and childbirth, it is not easy to return to its original natural state once elastici is released.

Regen Plastic Surgery Gangnam's 360º Body Contouring makes it a resilient and sleek body line, if you have not only fattened and stretched skin, but also stretch marks and surgical scars!

5 month scar after abdomen body contouring (tummy tuck)

5 month scar after thigh body contouring

 5 month scar after arm body contouring

Regen Plastic Surgery Gangnam's 360º Body Contouring can be effective with a single procedure. Complete liposuction and smooth body line 10 years ago through liposuction and body excision.

Customized treatment considering personal characteristics!
Reliable follow-up care with little relapse possibility!
Continuous academic research of plastic surgery specialists!
Minimize scars by making open incisions invisible!

On the stretched area such as abdomen, thighs, and arms, without elasticity, perform liposuction and body excision that removes the unwanted fats and the loosened tissues, and you can get a solid and charming body line!
Let's go back to the slim and smooth body line of 10 years ago with the Regen Gangnam's 360º Body Contouing!

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Email enquiry: regeninfoglobal@gmail.com
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766

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