2018년 2월 17일 토요일

Three Jaw Surgery For Solving Serious Protruded Lip And Short Chin

Three Jaw Surgery For Solving Serious Protruded Lip And Short Chin

What surgery is the best way to resolve serious protruded lip and short chin?
Although it is easy to think that it's often two jaw surgery, there is a surgery that is more effective than two jaw surgery!
It's a three jaw surgery at Regen Plastic Surgery.

What is a three jaw surgery?

Simply, it is called "three jaw surgery" to do two jaw surgery and anterior segmental osteotomy (called A.S.O for protruded lip) at the same time.

<Two Jaw Surgery>

Two jaw surgery is the operation of upper jaw and lower jaw together. 
It is an operation that is a solution when the position of the jaw becomes abnormal due to abnormalities in the jawbone, resulting in irregularity or severe protrusion.
If the shape and function are out of the normal range, he/she need to improve through the two jaw surgery!


A.S.O is the operation that is performed when the mouth is severely protruding from a lot of gums when laughing.
It is a method of correcting by moving the protruding gum bones and teeth after extracting the tooth at the back of the canine. This operation is possible if there is not problem in the lower jaw but only the mouth and gums are protruding.

<A.S.O + two jaw surgery = three jaw surgery>

Three jaw surgery is a technique of orthognathic surgery where protrude lip and short chin symptoms occur severely at the same time.
If patients only do to A.S.O or two jaw surgery, there is not enough effect. Three jaw surgery will help them position their upper jaw, lower jaw, and gum bones in a balanced way.

In Regen Plastic Surgery, Director Myung June Oh, known as Let Me In doctors, is taking safe jaw bone surgery.
From preoperative examination, to dental modeling and measurement, to operation plan for each field, to pre-simulated surgery, to wafer fabrication, maintenance equipment and wafer check!
After safe and precise surgery, 1:1 customized care will help you recover quickly.

If you are experiencing discomfort due to protruded lip and short chin, you can improve with Regen three jaw surgery!

Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
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Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766

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