2017년 12월 15일 금요일

Short Chin Surgery That Makes The Short and Chunky Chin Beautiful

Short Chin Surgery That Makes The Short and Chunky Chin Beautiful 

If you have facial contouring surgery that is often visualized, it will probably be V-line surgery!
There are many people who only know that the facial contouring surgery is a surgery that makes facial bones slim down. If you categorize correctly, you can see that in the big category of facial contouring, V-line surgery, zygoma reduction, chin operation, and forehead reduction are divided into subdivisions. 
V-line surgery is a surgery to cut facial bones and make V-line face shape, and zygoma reduction is a surgery to make a smooth facial line by shrinking the protruding cheekbones. Forehead reduction is literally a surgery that shrinks the wide forehead! If the forehead is too wide, it looks more presbyopia than its original age.

If so, what is short chin surgery?

Short chin surgery is a surgery to move the lower jawbone backward and move forward. By moving the bone itself forward, adjusting the jaw tip length and the balance of the face, then the shape of the chin changes naturally. The length from the neck to the tip of the chin is lengthened, and a charming profile is completed.

The procedure of short chin surgery is performed to those who have short chin length or the tip of chin situated backward, there is not too much chin when viewed from the side!

Consultation about short chin
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