2017년 1월 13일 금요일

Two jaw surgery, Zygoma reduction, v-line surgery experience and before and after photos, recovery process

Improving Functional inconveniences too!
Surgery Date: 5th April 2016
Types of surgery: Two-jaw, V-line, Zygoma reduction

Consultation before surgery

I had daily inconveniences due to my irregular teeth so I found out that two-jaw surgery will solve the problem. I searched and searched for a lot of information and finally chose Regen as it looked very safe and trustful. Also the reviews were amazing to make my mind up. The consultants were very kind and informative. They suggested to go for zygoma reduction and V-line surgery for better effect and result. I was also confident as there were residing anesthetists and out of all, Dr.Myungjune OH was well known in two-jaw surgery field so I made an appointment for surgery right away.

1 month after surgery

I usually get swollen easily so I was swollen until 5th day unlike other people where they get swollen until 3rd day. It was even hard to drink water as my neck was also swollen. My pronunciation and eating was far easier when it got to almost a month but still, I couldnt eat as much as I used to so it was like a semi-mandatory diet. They removed the wafers after a month.

2 months after surgery

I could recongnized the difference everyday, so its exciting looking at the mirror everyday. Mouth exercise and swelling care is thoroughly done! Everyone around me says that the result is looking very good and also that my face has gotten smaller with beautiful lines! Regen offer a very thorough after care service to assure the result and safe recovery!

3 months after surgery

As I exercised my mouth, I can also eat well!! There are no inconveniences left!! Major swelling is almost gone! I can actually see the difference and I'm so happy that I can eat anything I want!


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