Zygoma reduction is the operation to make the face more slim and smooth by removing the prominent and large cheekbones. Because this operation can make people look more friendly and beautiful, many people look forward for zygoma reduction surgery. However, people also have anxiety with the sagging cheekbone skin after zygoma reduction.
What is the sagging skin phenomenon and why is everyone getting worried about this?
Sagging skin is a phenomenon that the cheek skins get loose and sag because the skin layer which is attached to the bone of the face apart and become down if the ligaments to hold the face that connects the skin and facial bones are damaged when proceeding to bone resection.
If sagging skin phenomenon occurs, facial skin looks like loose and sag. Thus, the point of zygoma surgery is to minimize ligament damage to hold the face to avoid the sagging skin phenomenon!
At Regen Plastic Surgery Korea, we process zygoma reduction while turning on the ligaments to hold the face but not just process bone resection. At Regen Korea, we perform an operation to push the bone with inward rotation (empty space) after cutting the main body and an arch of the cheekbones. At this time, we not only reduce the bone but the cheekbones are rearranged by pushing back without desquamation the area of the front cheekbones. Then, our surgery minimized bone resection, so the positioning was very strong and also the sagging skin was almost nonexistence.
Especially Regen does not process 'Quick Zygoma Reduction'! Quick zygoma reduction is very simple but the operationg effects are not that good. Qucik zygoma reduction is only good for a case like a 45 degree angle of large cheekbones and narrow head shape.
If you would like get a free consultation about your cheekbone case or zygoma reduction, just contact to Regen's online consultation!!
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