2017년 10월 30일 월요일

What Should We Do To Avoid Sagging Cheekbone Skin After Zygoma Surgery?

Zygoma reduction is the operation to make the face more slim and smooth by removing the prominent and large cheekbones. Because this operation can make people look more friendly and beautiful, many people look forward for zygoma reduction surgery. However, people also have anxiety with the sagging cheekbone skin after zygoma reduction.

What is the sagging skin phenomenon and why is everyone getting worried about this?

Sagging skin is a phenomenon that the cheek skins get loose and sag because the skin layer which is attached to the bone of the face apart and become down if the ligaments to hold the face that connects the skin and facial bones are damaged when proceeding to bone resection. 

If sagging skin phenomenon occurs, facial skin looks like loose and sag. Thus, the point of zygoma surgery is to minimize ligament damage to hold the face to  avoid the sagging skin phenomenon!

At Regen Plastic Surgery Korea, we process zygoma reduction while turning on the ligaments to hold the face but not just process bone resection. At Regen Korea, we perform an operation to push the bone with inward rotation (empty space) after cutting the main body and an arch of the cheekbones. At this time, we not only reduce the bone but the cheekbones are rearranged by pushing back without desquamation the area of the front cheekbones. Then, our surgery minimized bone resection, so the positioning was very strong and also the sagging skin was almost nonexistence. 

Especially Regen does not process 'Quick Zygoma Reduction'! Quick zygoma reduction is very simple but the operationg effects are not that good. Qucik zygoma reduction is only good for a case like a 45 degree angle of large cheekbones and narrow head shape.

If you would like get a free consultation about your cheekbone case or zygoma reduction, just contact to Regen's online consultation!!

*Free Consultation*
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr

2017년 10월 26일 목요일

[Regen Plastic Surgery Korea] American woman's natural and beautiful volume up with breast implant!!

Our American patient has just done her breast augmentation surgery at Regen Plastic Surgery :) Check together the process of her breast to be volumed up!!

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411

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[Regen Plastic Surgery Korea] Korean Woman's Selfie Before And After Face Bone Surgery

After having square jaw surgery and cheekbone reduction, the shape of her face becomes slim and smaller, then upgrade her appearance!! :D

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411

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2017년 10월 25일 수요일

[Regen Plastic Surgery Korea] Great Plastic Surgery Result at Regen

The awesome plastic surgery results in Regen Plastic Surgery Korea! They were chosen as Let Me In for the transformation of appearance and life with having plastic surgery at Regen!! (Let Me In is the famous Korean plastic surgery TV show)

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411

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[Regen Plastic Surgery Korea] You Can Always Look Like Twenties With Regen Elasticum :)

You will always look like twenties :)
Strong and elastic thread lift, ELASTICUM

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411

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2017년 10월 24일 화요일

[Regen Plastic Surgery Korea] Canadian customer's facial fat transfer progress with Dr. Lee Seok Jun at Regen

Check up our Canadian customer's fat transfer process at Regen Plastic Surgery Korea!

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411

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#plasticsurgeryinkorea #cosmeticsurgeryinkorea #bestkoreanplasticsurgery #regenplasticsurgery #regenmedicalgroup #plasticsurgeryprocess #cosmeticsurgeryprocess #fatinjection #fattransferinkorea #plasticsurgeryconsultation #drleeseokjune #plasticsurgeon #antiagingdoctor #foreheadfatinjection #nasolabialfolds #chinfattransfer

[Regen Plastic Surgery Korea] Make my most beautiful day at Regen Plastic Surgery hospital!

Nothing is the best day of my most beautiful day.
Let's regain the beauty with Regen Two Jaw Surgery!

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411

**To know more about the global REGEN**

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2017년 10월 23일 월요일

[Regen Plastic Surgery Korea] Saggy breast reduction and mastoptosis surgery before after

Regen's breast surgery before after for saggy and too big breast

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411

**To know more about the global REGEN**

#plasticsurgeryinkorea #cosmeticsurgeryinkorea #bestkoreanplasticsurgery #regenplasticsurgery #regenmedicalgroup #breastimplantbeforeafter #breastsurgery #breastaugmentation #breastbeforeafter #mastoptosis #saggybreast #breastreduction #breastfatinjection #motiva #sebin #teardropimplant #breastimplant

[Regen Plastic Surgery Korea] A gift and message from our Italian patient after plastic surgery at Regen!!

Our Italian patient gave a scarf which is made by famous French designer as a gift and left whatsapp message to thanks to Regen's English consultant :D

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411

**To know more about the global REGEN**

Blogspot(indonesian): http://regenpsindonesia.blogspot.kr/scar

#plasticsurgeryinkorea #cosmeticsurgeryinkorea #bestkoreanplasticsurgery #regenplasticsurgery #regenmedicalgroup #thankyoumessage #thankyougift #Italianpatient #scarf #madebyFranchdesigner #appreciation #englishconsultant #plasticsurgeryconsultation #onlineconsultation #afterplasticsurgery #Italianplasticsurgery #medicaltourisminkorea

2017년 10월 22일 일요일

[Regen Plastic Surgery Korea] Natural and pretty V-line face that is creepy nice!

Natural and pretty V-line face that is creepy!!!

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411

**To know more about the global REGEN**

#plasticsurgeryinkorea #cosmeticsurgeryinkorea #bestkoreanplasticsurgery #regenplasticsurgery #regenmedicalgroup #squarejawreduction #squarejawsurgery #vlinesurgery #jawsurgery #longjaw #shortjaw #facialcontouring #facialbone #onepiecevline #regen 

2017년 10월 20일 금요일

[Regen Plastic Surgery Korea] Canadian patient with Dr. Lee Seok June at Regen

Canadian patient who was get a facial fat transfer surgery by Dr. Lee Seok June at Regen took a picture with his doctor! She said that she want to forget the memories of tourism in Korea and Regen!!

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411

**To know more about the global REGEN**

#plasticsurgeryinkorea #cosmeticsurgeryinkorea #bestkoreanplasticsurgery #regenplasticsurgery #regenmedicalgroup #drleeseokjun #canadianpatient #canadianplasticsurgery #fatinjection #fattransfer #fatgraft #Koreanplasticsurgeon #plasticsurgeryspecialist #facialvolume #saggingface #saggingskin #facialtreatment

2017년 10월 19일 목요일

[Regen Plastic Surgery Korea] Whatspp conversations of our English consultation with her patient :D

Regen's English consultant send me some dialogue of her whatsapp conversations with her overseas patient :) If you want to ask about plastic surgery, feel free to contact to Jina! 

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411

**To know more about the global REGEN**

#plasticsurgeryinkorea #cosmeticsurgeryinkorea #bestkoreanplasticsurgery #regenplasticsurgery #regenmedicalgroup #onlineconsultation #plasticsurgeryconsultation #thanksto #freeconsultation #globalplasticsurgery #englishconsultant #plasticsurgeryreview #surgeryreview #whatsappdialogue

[Regen Plastic Surgery Korea] Regen maketh V-line (Kingsman parody)

Manners maketh man?
Regen maketh V-line!

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411

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#plasticsurgeryinkorea #cosmeticsurgeryinkorea #bestkoreanplasticsurgery #regenplasticsurgery #regenmedicalgroup #kingsman #ColinFirth #Vline #facialcontouring #regen #facialbonesurgery #manners_maketh_man #famousline #movieparody

2017년 10월 18일 수요일

[Regen Plastic Surgery Korea] American patient's surgery process and her before after picture

Our American patient got rhinoplasty, chin implant, thread lifting, buccal fat removal, and hip line liposuction at Regen :)
Check up the surgery room and post-operative treatment at Regen as well as see the great before after pictures!!

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411

**To know more about the global REGEN**

#plasticsurgeryinkorea #cosmeticsurgeryinkorea #bestkoreanplasticsurgery #regenplasticsurgery #regenmedicalgroup #rhinoplasty #threadlift #chinimplant #buccalfatremoval #facialsurgery #beforeafter #plasticsurgeryroom #drohmyungjune #liposuction #hiplineliposuction #2month #americanpatient #americanplasticsurgery #surgerytreatment 

[Regen Plastic Surgery Korea] American patient's surgery consultation at Regen!

Our American patient had plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Oh Myung June for chin implant and Dr. Kwon Seok Min for liposuction! Check up her surgery consultation process :D

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411

**To know more about the global REGEN**

#plasticsurgeryinkorea #cosmeticsurgeryinkorea #bestkoreanplasticsurgery #regenplasticsurgery #regenmedicalgroup #Americanpatient #drohmyungjune #plasticsurgeryspecialist #threadlift #chinimplant #buccalfatremoval #plasticsurgeryconsultation #hiplineliposuction #bodycontouring #examinationbeforesurgery

2017년 10월 17일 화요일

[Regen Plastic Surgery Korea] Square jaw line becomes V-line jaw at Regen Plastic Surgery

Square jaw line becomes V-line jaw, superexpress!!

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411

**To know more about the global REGEN**

#plasticsurgeryinkorea #cosmeticsurgeryinkorea #bestkoreanplasticsurgery #regenplasticsurgery #regenmedicalgroup #airlineticket #planeticket #flight #aviation #airline #travel #traveling #trip #tour #plasticsurgeryjourney #plasticsurgerytrip #squarejaw #vline #jawsurgery #longweekend #holiday #goldenweeek

[Regen Plastic Surgery Korea] If you want to become beautiful, Regen is with you

Stop wishing make you beautiful on a moon.
Regen is always here. Contact to get a free consultation!

If you want to ask about plastic surgery, please contact to Regen now,
Kakao ID: RegenGlobal
Line ID: regenglobal
Wechat ID: Regen_Global
WhatsApp: +82-10-4345-8766
Email enquiry: infoglobal@regengroup.co.kr
Telephone(eng): +8270-4882-5421 / +8270-4882-5411

**To know more about the global REGEN**

#plasticsurgeryinkorea #cosmeticsurgeryinkorea #bestkoreanplasticsurgery #regenplasticsurgery #regenmedicalgroup #fullmoon #moon #wish #hope #pleasemakemepretty #makemebeautiful #twojaw #doublejaw #facialcontouring #plasticsurgery #regen